Why was Simon’s name changed to Peter ?

Effendy Arifin
3 min readAug 5, 2021


Jesus has the same reason as God rename Abram to Abraham, and Sarai to Sarah. He did this to identify the person’s spiritual transformation.

The key to understand this is in the meaning of ‘Simon’ and ‘Peter’ name. Simon (Simeon in Hebrew) have meaning “The one whom hear (Word of God)”, and Peter (Chepas in Hebrew) means “a rock”. The name changes is to underline the transformation of the person whom hear words of God to a spiritual rock.

Then we come to the next question: what is the meaning of spiritual rock ? When Jesus met Simon first time, Jesus told him, that someday Jesus will change his name. It didn’t happen, at the time Simon able to walk on water, able to cast out demons, or confident enough to call fire from heaven, till the day Jesus asked his disciples “Who do you think I’am ?”, Simon’s answer has earned him a name changed.

Indeed it is not what he said, but how he able to say it matters. Jesus said to him “Good on you Simon, it is not your own words, but Father has revealed this to you.”, immediately Jesus changed his name to Peter. This is the true meaning of spiritual rock is. In three and half years ministry, Father speak to Jesus only, Jesus the only source of God’s truth, at that day, Peter also got the same privilege.

“upon these rocks, I will build My church”, Jesus using rocks in plural, is indirectly saying, after Peter, there will be more people that Father will speak to…, upon these people, Jesus will build His Church.

This is the reason when the harvest was plentiful, but not enough worker, Jesus did not taking initiative to recruit volunteers, instead He told His disciples to pray to the Lord of the harvest (Father) to send more workers.

One day later (the next paragraph), Jesus scold Peter, “Away from me, Satan”… which meant, Peter’s words came from Satan. This also mean, even though the person able to hear from Father, they still able to hear from Satan as well!, so it is important to have discernment to be able to distinct between these two.

One last thing, have you noticed that after Jesus resurrection, when he met Peter, he asked “Simon son of John, do you love me ?”. Jesus changed back his name to Simon!. Apparently after Peter denied Jesus three times, his spiritual anointing has gone, Father do not speak to him anymore. What we can learn from this ? To be and continue to be a spiritual rock, the person should remain in Jesus, as a branch attached to the true vine, otherwise it won’t bear fruit. The fruit is to do Father’s will.

I give you a brief summary of what true Christianity all about according to the Gospel of The Good News of The Kingdom of God: First you need to put Jesus teaching as the cornerstone of your believe (get rid of all mix and match gospels), then eventually you will be transformed into a spiritual rock, when Father speaks and direct you, At this stage you will know His will for you, then you able to produce fruit, by doing His will, till you receive the promise of Eternal Life.

